Monday, December 6, 2010

The Fed Gives Trillions to Corporations and Banks

"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies".                          -Thomas Jefferson

If you thought it was bad when the Treasury Department gave 700 billion dollars of your money to bail out the banks; it gets much worse.It has been revealed that the criminal banking institution aka The Federal Reserve has given dozens of corporations and banks  trillions of dollars!  Banks such as Goldman Sachs, Citigroup, Morgan Stanley, and corporations such as McDonald's, Verizon, and General Electric have all received a combined bail-out of "$3.3 billion  in liquidity and $9 billion in short term loans".
Just when you thought we couldn't get even more financially screwed they pull this stunt. The time to restore a monetary policy that allows continous real economic growth is now.  The first step is auditing the Federal Reserve which will give light to just how many of these bailouts are occuring in the shroud of darkness around the Fed.  Once, the shroud is lifted we can then work towards abolishing the Fed and restoring peace, liberty and prosperity to this nation.

Texas Congressman Ron Paul comments on the recently revealed and former "secret bailout" and the need for a sound monetary policy.

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